Compliance with Drug Enforcement Agency regulations for in-plant security of controlled substances presents recurring problems for drug manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers. Style 840 Partitions can help solve this problem. When properly installed, Style 840 Partitions meet the D.E.A. requirements for physical security of Class III, IV, and V controlled substances as outlined in Section 1301:72 of the Code.
Style 840 Partitions use twenty standard size panels to build any height wall or clear span ceilings up to 35 feet wide. The panels mount to two inch square tubular posts. A full line of standard size self-closing, self-locking, hinged and sliding gates complete the line.
Most enclosures can be built from standard modular parts. However, we are glad to accommodate custom applications and can handle any special requirements your installation may need.
DEA approved storage area with clear spanned ceiling.
Style 840 Features
- Panels mount flush to floor.
- Self closing, self locking doors.
- Clear spanned ceilings up to 35′.
- Heavy 3/8″ assembly hardware hidden from exterior.
- Panels stack to any height.
- 10 ga wire woven into 2″ x 1″ opening mesh standard.
- Any opening mesh available.
- 2″ square posts set on maximum 10′-2″ centers.
Drug lndustry’s Special Needs
Class III, IV, and V controlled substance storage areas require a high level of security to pass D.E.A. inspections. Such an installation-as pictured above left-has many notable features.
Panels mount flush to floor. Modifying the hole layout on our stock posts eliminates the sweep space and allows the panels to mount flush to the floor surface. No other changes are necessary.
Panels mount flush to floor.
Mounting hardware permanently fixed. Although our standard 3/8″ mounting hardware is the heaviest in the industry, and inaccessible from outside the enclosure, the D.E.A. requires that all mounting hardware be brazed, pinned, or tack welded in place. Style 840 eases this job by allowing the installer clear access to the hardware from inside of the cage.
Factory made cutouts. D.E.A. regulation does not allow gaps between the enclosure and the building structure. Our angle frame panels can be made with cutouts to fit your building structure, or they can be modified in the field by the installer. In either case our design gives you an economical custom fit.
Factory made cutouts fit around building structure.
Mounting hardware permanently fixed. Although our standard 3/8″ mounting hardware is the heaviest in the industry, and inaccessible from outside the enclosure, the D.E.A. requires that all mounting hardware be brazed, pinned, or tack welded in place. Style 840 eases this job by allowing the installer clear access to the hardware from inside of the cage.
Slide up window. Various sized slide up windows are available for integration with existing material handling systems. Wire Crafters offers a complete line of counter-balanced, mechanical, and pneumatically operated windows for this purpose. These windows may be sized to meet your specific material handling needs.
Slide up window integrates with material handling conveyor.
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